Here's one that's been around for a while. I first heard it when Pastor Will included it in a Christmas sermon...
Sunday School Christmas Lesson
On the Sunday before Christmas, the Sunday school class was asked to draw pictures of the Christmas Story.
After the class was over, a little child showed her father her artwork.
Looking at the picture, her father asked why she had drawn an airplane when everyone else had made a picture of the Christmas story.
‘That’s the flight into Egypt.’ she matter-of- factly explained.
“Oh yes”, her dad responded. “ I see Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus are on the plane, but who is this in the front of the plane?”
“That’s Pontius the pilot.” She replied.
“And who is this big fat guy in the back?” he asked.
“He’s Round John Virgin.”
And now...
(drum roll)
I present to you:
The Turtledove!
For some time, I've secretly been working on a labour of love in the back shed. Now, just in time for Christmas, I am unveiling the project to you:
I've successfully bred a small, but genuine flock of the original and legendary turtle dove! This is a photo of one of the finer specimens in my back yard coop.
I've successfully bred a small, but genuine flock of the original and legendary turtle dove! This is a photo of one of the finer specimens in my back yard coop.
My turtle dove should not be confused with the common, unshelled variety. Any dove without a shell is just 'a dove'. The doves I have raised have been bred to reflect the original and true turtle dove.
(A message to the Creation Museum: Could you please contact me? Maybe we could do some business together.)
My turtle dove should not be confused with the common, unshelled variety. Any dove without a shell is just 'a dove'. The doves I have raised have been bred to reflect the original and true turtle dove.
(A message to the Creation Museum: Could you please contact me? Maybe we could do some business together.)